RsNano V1.0RC1 ready for testing

RsNano V1.0RC1 ready for testing

After more than two years of development, the first release candidate of RsNano is finally ready for testing! Our code statistics currently show only 61% Rust and 39% C++ code, but this picture is deceptive. In reality, the node logic is 100% written in Rust and only the RPC server, the command line interface (CLI) and most of the tests are still written in C++. Thanks to Rui’s work, the CLI and the RPC server will also be written in Rust in V2 and we will then have a 100% Rust node.

A lot of code has been changed over the last 2 years. It is very likely that despite continuous testing, there are still bugs in the program. Therefore:

This version is not suitable for productive use. Please test it in the beta network if possible and please do not install this version on a principal representative!

I’ve successfully bootstrapped the beta and the live ledger with this version. In theory you could also use an existing ledger file from nano_node, but this is not recommended. Initial performance tests by gr0vity showed that RsNano can keep up with the official nano_node.

Incompatibilities with nano_node

RsNano V1.0RC1 is equivalent to nano_node V27.1.

In RsNano there is currently no support for:

  • Work generation with the distributed work server
  • Work generation with OpenCL
  • UPNP

These features will be readded in a future release.

How to install?

The official docker image is: simpago/rsnano:V1.0RC1

You can run a beta node with:

docker run -d --name rsnano -p 54000:54000 -v ~/NanoBeta:/root/NanoBeta simpago/rsnano:V1.0RC1 nano_node daemon --network=beta

You can run a live node with:

docker run -d --name rsnano -p 7075:7075 -v ~/Nano:/root/Nano simpago/rsnano:V1.0RC1 nano_node daemon --network=live

Or you can compile it yourself. See the Github readme for instructions.

As a tester, please join our Discord server and share your feedback there.

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